30 years Kunsthalle Wien

5/11 2022 — 6/11 2022 11 am — 12 am
Museumsquartier and Karlsplatz

Let’s celebrate our 30th anniversary together on Saturday, November 5, 2022. From 11 am onwards you can look forward to an open house with guided tours, workshops, and behind-the-scenes insights into Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier and Karlsplatz, a festive ceremony from 7 pm with contributions dealing with the history of the institution and performances, and a musical evening program.

Admission is free.

We kindly ask you to register for the guided tours, the workshop and the talk at besucherservice@kunsthallewien.at.

11 am – 7 pm: Day program

11 am – 7 pm: Open house at Kunsthalle Wien
Sanja Iveković. Works of Heart (1974–2022)

Kunsthalle Wien Timeline – an interactive education format
Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

11 am: Matinee tour with What, How & for Whom / WHW to Sanja Iveković. Works of Heart (1974-2022) (in English)
Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

1 pm: The Happy Fashion Studio. 30 Years Kunsthalle Wien
T-shirt printing workshop for everyone from age 6
Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz

2–2:30 pm: Being Kunsthalle Wien
A guided tour into the subconscious of Kunsthalle Wien with Thomas Geiger (in German)
Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

2:45–3:15 pm: Being Kunsthalle Wien
A guided tour into the subconscious of Kunsthalle Wien with Thomas Geiger (in English)
Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

3 pm: I like loud! The Kunsthalle Wien Children’s Disco with Rhinoplasty DJs
Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz

5 pm: Launch of the talk series Question of Art with María do Mar Castro VarelaLea Susemichel and an introduction by What, How & for Whom / WHW (in English and German)
Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

5:30–6 pm & 6:15–6:45 pm: Being Kunsthalle Wien
A guided tour into the subconscious of Kunsthalle Wien with Thomas Geiger (in German)
Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

6 pm: Guided tour with Kunsthalle Wien’s art education team to Sanja Iveković. Works of Heart (1974-2022) (in German)
Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

7–8:30 pm: Festive Ceremony

With contributions and performances by: Dieter Bogner (art historian, curator of the first exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien) • Hor 29. Novembar (collective of singing activists) • Veronica Kaup-Hasler (Councillor for Cultural Affairs and Science) • Gerald Matt (second artistic director of Kunsthalle Wien) • ORF WienLaurids Ortner (architect of the Kunsthalle Wien in the MuseumsQuartier) • Nicolaus Schafhausen (third artistic director of Kunsthalle Wien) • Stefanie Sourial (performance-artist) • Toni Stooss (first artistic director of Kunsthalle Wien) • What, How & for Whom / WHW (current artistic directors of Kunsthalle Wien) • …

Moderation: Djamila Grandits

Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

8:45 pm – 12 am: Evening program

Music acts: RENTKerosin95EsRAPDJ Hauswein

Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier

We are looking forward to your visit and celebrating together!

The current Covid-19 guidelines apply.