CANCELLED: A Pirate Care Syllabus: Public Activation Day

3/4 2020 10 am — 6 pm

In order not to endanger the safety of our visitors in view of the current situation in connection with Covid-19, Kunsthalle Wien will be closed until further notice. This applies to the exhibition as well as all events and guided tours.

Pirate Care is a transnational research project and a network of activists, scholars and practitioners who stand against the criminalization of solidarity and for a common care infrastructure. A core strategy of their work is the creation of a “syllabus” gathering practical and tactical tools to respond to the current “care crisis.” During their residency Pirate Care will meet up and continue working on the syllabus with international and local activist contributors. On two dates the public is invited to join contributors in activating the syllabus by learning together about and from the practices of Pirate Care: You will learn about struggles against the criminalization of migration, struggles for reproductive rights of women, community safety and anti-racist organizing, environmental toxicity and transfeminist hacking, digital piracy and other urgent practices of unconditional solidarity.

Contributors: Rebecca Gomperts (Women on Waves) • Sea-Watch • Cassie Thornton • Mary Maggic and others

Pirate Care: Valeria Graziano • Marcell Mars • Tomislav Medak

Syllabus by: Laura Benítez Valero, Emina Bužinkić, Rasmus Fleischer, Maddalena Fragnito, Valeria Graziano, Mary Maggic, Iva Marčetić, Memory of the World, Power Makes Us Sick (PMS), Zoe Romano, Ivory Tuesday, Ana Vilenica

Pirate Care are Artists in Residence 2020 of studio das weisse haus in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien

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