„Sehnsucht nach der Kindheit der Gedanken. Wie hören sich Texte von Marx im Jahr 2008 an?“
„Den versteinerten Verhältnissen ihre eigne Melodie vorsingen, um sie zum Tanzen zu bringen“
In 580 minutes Alexander Kluge has dared to do what Sergej Eisenstein was unable to in 1927: to complete a film version of Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital”. Marx makes a definitive announcement in the foreword to this seminal work of economic theory: “All beginnings are difficult and that applies to every science”. This dictum from 1867 has lost nothing of its validity and so today we can observe a veritable paradigm change in the validity and acceptance of prevailing economic models. These will also be compromised by the new proposals in the lectures of academics Tim Jackson and Tomáš Sedlá