Arts Collectives as Spaces for Collective Learning and Knowledge Sharing

3/10 2017 7 pm — 8:30 pm

Workshop with Patrick Mudekereza (Lubumbashi) and Sari Middernacht (Lubumbashi) together with Christian Nyampeta (London/Nyanza), Camilla Franz (Zurich), Andrea Hubin (Vienna) and members of the Kunsthalle Wien Denkfabrik

Behind the reality of arts collectives hides a multitude of positions and practices that are as many adaptations to contexts, as well as tactics to bypass obstacles. In addition to providing an institutional refuge for the sharing of skills and resources and for giving reciprocal support, the collective is also a space of experimentation, expression and mutualizing energies. Thus, to learn from others, and with others, to share knowledge, or to use the words of Jacques Rancière, to share the sensible, becomes an important binder in any collective. How can we communicate these experiences from one collective to another, from one generation to another, from one context to another, from one period to another?

In the workshop different approaches to artistic self-organization and knowledge production will be discussed.

The workshop takes place in collaboration with the intertwining hi/stories Arts Education Festival (October 2 – 7, 2017). For the full conference program see: