What do underground stations, the houses in your street, a climbing wall, and the exhibition at the Kunsthalle Wien have in common? The answer is easy: concrete. In the exhibition Beton (concrete) you will learn a lot about this material and how artists use it. After that, we will show you how concrete is made and you can try it out yourself. You will be amazed to see how much you can do with concrete. Please wear something you don’t mind getting dirty!
The extensive educational program developed for the exhibition Béton gives children the opportunity to playfully explore the building material concrete. This was enabled by the kind support of the BUWOG group and the Verein Betonmarketing Österreich.
Wien Xtra Ferienspiel
22/8 – 26/7 2016
11 am – 1:30 pm
For kids from ages 8 to 10
Registration: vermittlung@kunsthallewien.at