With: Norbert Kettner, Siegfried Mattl, Laura Spinadel
Moderation: Andrea Hubin, Kunsthalle Wien; Michael Zinganel, Architectural theorist, Curator
Vienna is positioning itself in the international competition for city tourists, for settlement by businesses and for investors in major urban expansion projects that include the values of life quality and culture. However, constructing a city brand also increasingly requires the city to have a strong image as a dynamic business location. What role can innovative architecture play in this context? In Vienna, is such architecture being created only as landmarks for individual companies, or at best for new city districts, or are there also reasons for considering the strategic creation of formal fault lines in the historic cityscape? Who are the target groups for marketing campaigns that – be it with cliché images or major visions of new building – focus on the symbolism of significant (star) architecture?
Norbert Kettner is the Director of Tourism of the Vienna Tourist Board.
Siegfried Mattl is a lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna and Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for History and Society. His fields of work include urban and media history, most recently with the emphasis on films commissioned by the City of Vienna: www.mediawien-film.at.
Laura Spinadel, BUSarchitektur & BOA büro für offensive aleatorik, is fulfilling various roles – including master planner, architect and communicator – in the realization of the WU Campus in Vienna. Campus WU – eine holistische Geschichte was published in 2013: