Dialogical Seminar
Two public seminar sessions provide a work in progress insight into artistic, performative, and interventional methods of engaging with the appropriation of history that will be developed in the context of the exhibition.
Collaboration with the annual project Dialogical Interventions of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, direction: Martin Krenn, department KKP (Art and Communication Practices)
With: Ariana Joya McManus, Cornelia Kolmann, Shoba Untersteiner, Gregor Glavanovitz, JohannaFolkmann, Lea Jank, Liliane-Sarah Kölbl, Marius Fischer,Nora Lička, Rosie Benn, Simona Bergmann, Sophia Schenk-Mair, Andrea Hubin,Martin Krenn
For information and registration, please contact: dramaturgie@kunsthallewien.at
Mon 27/3, 3–7 Uhr
Performing the Body of History
Dialogical Seminar