WHW, artistic directors of Kunsthalle Wien and curators of the exhibition, will guide you through Rajkamal Kahlon. Which Side Are You On?.
We kindly ask you to register in advance at besucherservice@kunsthallewien.at or directly at the cash desk in Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier. The number of participants is limited.
Free admission.
The tour will be held in English.
In the tour, WHW present works from Kahlon’s more than 20 years of artistic practice, which build upon her collection of books, documents, or her archival research. The books that Kahlon uses are not beloved, nor does she feel attached to the documents used—on the contrary, the books are often from the heyday of colonialism full of patronizing clichés, using the dubious scientific methods of nineteenth-century anthropology and ethnology to create an image of inferiority and otherness, justifying colonial and imperialistic expansion.