Data travels

Education / Kids' program
19/6 2021 

Kids’ workshop with Marlies Pöschl as part of WIENXTRA-Kinderaktiv-Program
For children from 6 to 12 years

Data get to us through the computer. Or? How might data be stored and transmitted in the future? Let’s have a look at the exhibition Space for Kids. Footprints in the Sea of Data together with artist Marlies Pöschl, develop ideas for the “clouds” of the future, and shoot a 360degree video about the journey of data. You will design a model for your data store, let invisible cables wander through the Karlsgarten, and maybe even play a bit (or byte) yourself.

Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz, Treitlstraße 2, 1040 Vienna

Costs: 2 € / free with Kinderaktivcard
Adults: 3 € / free with Kinderaktivcard


