Function Follows Vision, Vision Follows Reality

26/5 2015 7 pm

Nicolaus Schafhausen (Director Kunsthalle Wien)
Peter Bogner (Director Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation)

On the exhibition:
Luca Lo Pintoand Vanessa Joan Müller (Curators Kunsthalle Wien)

Artists present:
Céline Condorelli, Annette Kelm, Francesco Pedraglio, Luca Trevisani, Nicole Wermers

“Function follows vision, vision follows reality” was Frederick Kiesler’s (1890–1965) guiding principle. The architect, stage, exhibition and furniture designer was interested in a form of design, which unified both theory and practice. The exhibition places Kiesler’s interest in innovative forms and methods of presentation of art at the centre of its conception. Developed in cooperation with the Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation in Vienna it takes the 50th anniversary of Kiesler’s passing and his 125th birthday as occasion to investigate his influence on contemporary art.

