Going MAD (together?)

8/4 2022 4:30 pm

A cooperation of Kunsthalle Wien and MUK – Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna

With: Ana Maric • Katarina Maric • Emilija Sokic • Sonja Kovic • Hibiki Kojima • Vera Ristic • Laura Di Centa • Gregor Fussenegger • Katarina Milisavljevic

The admission is free. The number of participants is limited, so we kindly ask for your registration at besucherservice@kunsthallewien.at.

“Illnesses can take on many forms. Those of the body are easy to treat. Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts.” (Mary Alice)

How far does our understanding of madness reach and at what point someone is considered mad? How deep can our understanding of madness be? Can madness even be redefined?

Conceptualized as the final project for their Master of Arts Education degree at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna, Katarina Milisavljevic and Gregor Fussenegger developed a performance with a group of professional musicians and people interested in culture from different fields of life. Their performative intervention explores and questions topics such as depersonalization, self-alienation as well as alienation from the world and isolation in the context of the exhibition Do Nothing, Feel Everything.

