Kunsthalle Wien offers public guided tours in Einfacher Sprache [German plain language].
On a guided tour, you can experience the Kunsthalle Wien with other people and a member of staff. The member of staff explains in simple language what the artworks on display are about. You can ask questions and talk about what you see. We take a lot of time for this and speak in simple and easily accessible language.
During the guided tour on 28 November, we will talk about a work of art by Nora Turato. It is located on the outside wall of the Kunsthalle Wien. This work of art is 62 metres long. We see the letter A with some call signs painted on the wall. Nora Turato wants to use her artwork to discuss how language affects us.
If you would like to join the guided tour, come to the Kunsthalle Wien in the Museumsquartier on 28 November at 17:30. The guided tour is free of charge. The meeting point for the tour is at the cash desk.
If you have any questions about the tour, you can write an e-mail or call us.
Our e-mail address is: vermittlung@kunsthallewien.at
Our telephone number is: +43-1-52189-27