Artist Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński and art educator Andrea Hubin will guide you through her exhibition at Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier.
Registration: or directly at the box office.
In order to keep you and our staff healthy, we ask you to follow the recent hygiene and safety requirements of Kunsthalle Wien.
An additional on-site registration is necessary. In order to be able to start the guided tour in time: please allow enough time for registering.
Free Thursday night: every Thursday from 5 – 9 pm, the admission is free.
In her works, be they photographic series, films, or installations, Belinda Kazeem-Kamiński creates spaces for encounter, conversation, and sometimes confrontation between herself and the viewer, but first and foremost between herself and the people who populate her pieces, her memories, and her imagination: those who have been disappeared and who are gone, those who are here, and those who are to come. While the artist critically investigates regimes of looking and decodes the racist cultural apparatus underlying the ongoing system of subjugation and exploitation of Black lives, she outreaches at the same time the violence contained in archives, in museums, or in books by opening pathways for exchanging, caring, and imagining. Intertwining critical Black feminist theory, conceptual visual strategies, and (science-)fictional narration, Kazeem-Kamiński explores diverse methods to communicate across time and space as well as to set the conditions and to create spaces—real and imagined—for the processing of the past, invention of the future, and disintegration of the present as it is.