Heinz Frank

Film program
12/3 2019 6 pm

Filmscreening & Talk

This evening provides an insight into the cinematic work of and about Heinz Frank. The program will start with the premier of Ines Mitterer and Walter Reichl’s film Franks Feldweg and will follow with two older documentaries, and Frank’s video work Gott der Langeweile, ich komme! (God of Boredom, I Come!)

After the screenings, Lucas Gehrmann and Heinz Frank talk about the cinematic impressions and the artist‘s extensive œuvre.

Film program
Ines Mitterer & Walter Reichl
Franks Feldweg, 2019
ca. 9 min., produced by wrfilm

Documentation by
Fritz Kleibel: Heinz Frank at Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, in Africa, in a car, in a suit, at Café Sperl…

Heinz Frank: Gott der Langeweile, ich komme! Undated

Kunsthalle Wien Karlsplatz

Free admission!

