High on Fashion – STUDIO 92

Kids' program
31/10 2019 10 am — 12 pm


On the occasion of the first KinderKunstFest KiKuFe in Vienna from October 28, until November 3, all children can experience art in museums and institutions for free. Kunsthalle Wien organises kids workshops in the exhibition Time Is Thirsty.

High on Fashion – STUDIO 92

Design your very own special T-shirt! Whether punk, grunge, or high fashion is your style of choice – in our T-Shirt Studio you will learn a range of different transfer methods and can create your favourite motif on a T-shirt. With stencil techniques, cut-outs and textile dyes, you can design a unique piece. Sleeveless, belly-free or hip hop style, your imagination knows no bounds! Inspiration is drawn from the exhibition Time Is Thirsty, which allows us to travel back in time and immerse ourselves in the 90s – where we can experience music from the era, and where we may also dance! Join us and design your very own trendy T-shirt!

Workshops (can be booked individually):
Wed 30/10, 10 am – 12 pm & 2 – 4 pm
Thu 31/10, 10 am – 12 pm & 2 – 4 pm

For kids from 6 – 12 years

Registration: vermittlung@kunsthallewien.at