How to Grow Together

15/7 2017 4 pm

Community College EXCURSION
Following the Collective Mapping Sessionthe participants will be invited to explore and discuss the topic of “how to grow together” during an excursion to two community garden initiatives:

Pauls Garten: A Community Garden Project in the middle of a developing process situated in the back of Andreaspark in the 7th district. We will get insights into its development which is coined by moving through gray zones but also colorful diversity.

Salat Piraten: Founded in the 2012, Salat Piraten are an urban gardening association centered on a previously idle plot in Kirchengasse. Their express goal (and motto) is to ‘capture open spaces’ (like pirates capture ships). The concept of collaboration and the principle of sharing are essential for the association. The motivations of the members to participate are manifold: from the wish to make a political statement and to shape the city space, to an interest in the potentials of collaborative structures and innovative ways of agriculture, to the search for company and a spot of green in the urban sea of houses.

