17/7 2021 2 pm — 6 pm


The housing policy of “Red Vienna” in the interwar period and its municipal buildings are an example of the attempt to find a socially just solution to the “housing question” (Friedrich Engels) and the building of that period still characterize the cityscape. How did the municipal housing idea come about and what other, also self-organized approaches to the housing shortage, such as the so-called “Bretterdörfer” (a slum-like cluster of wooden huts) or the settlement movement, existed and still exist? On a walk through such a housing complex we will explore if history maybe still provides undiscovered utopian answers.

With: Andreas Pavlic

Andreas Pavlic, writer, political scientist. Research projects and publication about Red Vienna housing politics.

Each workshop afternoon centers on a thematic chapter of the exhibition. We develop questions and discover new perspectives to answer them in an exchange with our guests.

Meeting point, 2 pm
U3 Station Ottakring, exit Thaliastraße

Make sure to register in advance at besucherservice@kunsthallewien.at in order to receive possible weather related updates.

Please bring proof of vaccination, past infection, or a negative test a as we would like to finish with a final conversation at Schutzhaus Zukunft on Schmelz at 5 pm.

Both participation in the workshop and entrance to the exhibition are free.

Language(s): German (and English, French, Romani, Romanian, Hungarian, … as needed).

Following a suggestion by the Soviet writer Sergei Tretyakov, the workshop series LET’S BE REALISTIC! is an invitation to try out whether and how utopias of social justice can be developed based on joint writing, narration, and discussion of biographies of things. The objects, archival images, and partly fictional artworks shown in the exhibition Averklub Collective. Manuš Means Human provide the starting point for the project. The show tells a special story about the history of the Romani people in real socialism. What does it mean when we include local readings as well as objects and stories of the participants into this visual essay?

In accordance with the applicable COVID-19 prevention regulations, the workshops will take place as group activities at Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier, in the form of field trips, and/or online.

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