The artists are on location in the exhibition hall up to the opening (June 6). Interested parties of the OPEN CALL are welcomed to meet them there and to introduce artistic ideas.
We?re looking for artists, musicians, students, performers, graffiti artists and other activists
assume vivid astro focus (avaf) is a group of artists charged with transforming the Kunsthalle Wien project space on Karlsplatz into something resembling a building site. The windows will be barricaded with cardboard and demolition timber. Inside, avaf will present a video programme on various large screens. Graffiti, wall hangings and architectural interventions will complement a multi-faceted range of art forms, rich in both content and media. avaf?s work at the project space is also specific to the location. The space should mirror the city?s artistic and activist voices.
avaf invites artists, musicians, students, performers, graffiti artists and other activists to proclaim their art, their events and their positions: