OPENING: The Circus as a Parallel Universe

3/5 2012 7 pm
Museumsquartier / Halle1

On the exhibition:
Franz Schuh and the curators of the exhibition

Artists present:
Julien Bismuth, Peter Blake, Bernhard Buhmann, Clifton Childree, Anna Jermolaewa, Anna Kolodziejska, Tomasz Kowalski, Ulrike Lienbacher, Ulrike Ottinger, Elisabeth Schmirl, Deborah Sengl, Kristian Sverdrup, Joe Wagner, Martin Walde, Erwin Wurm

Performance in the course of the opening:
Julien Bismuth Weary Willie
Starting: 8 p.m.

Opening Night:
Clear the ring for music by J’aime Julien (Malefiz, Early Birds),
Artistry by Alexander Schneller (Circus Pikard,
and Cake Pops by Julie’s Pop Bakery