OPENING: ursula blickle videoarchive

9/3 2007 6 pm
Museumsquartier / Videolounge

6 p.m.
Welcome and introduction: Gerald Matt, Director Kunsthalle Wien
Presentation of the ursula blickle videoarchive: Angela Stief, Susanne Kästle

6.45 p.m.
“KLARSICHT: Videokunst” lecture by Gerhard Johann Lischka

8 p.m.
OPENING: Gerald Bast (Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna), Ursula Blickle, Gerald Matt

8.30 p.m.
“Art clipping – Artists on their Video Works”: Thomas Feuerstein, Anna Jermolaewa, Ruth Schnell. Presented by Gerhard Johann Lischka, Angela Stief