Sound studios are probably among the darkest and most secretive of rooms. Behind closed doors and enclosed within soundproof walls, musicians try out instruments, perfect their songs through penetrating repetitions, and refine the perfect digital sound. Growing up with techno and electro-pop, DJ and producer Patrick Pulsinger has, in recent years, worked as a remixer for bands such as Die Goldenen Zitronen and Chicks on Speed. Then, in 2010, he surprised everyone by going back to his roots with the techno disc Impassive Skies on Disko B. It seemed as if he had skipped past the minimal and, in the isolation of the sound studio, gone on to relish working with both analog and digital instruments. He experimented passionately with old synthesizers, drum machines, and microphones. Although he does not renounce digital sound, the studio sound experience does take priority. Pulsinger leaves his studio and DJs at the Kunsthalle Wien.
Patrick Pulsinger (*1970) is a producer and DJ. He lives and works in Vienna. Pulsinger produced such bands and singers as Hercules and Love Affair, Grace Jones, and the Pet Shop Boys.