Question of Art

Discussion / Event
5/11 2022 5 pm

In the first event of the talk series Question of Art, which will regularly put pressing issues in art up for discussion in 2023, journalist Lea Susemichel and political scientist María do Mar Castro Varela will talk about artistic freedom, autonomy of art, and related definitions and limits of aesthetics and morality.

Let’s celebrate our 30th anniversary together on Saturday, November 5, 2022. From 11 am onwards you can look forward to an open house with guided tours, workshops, and behind-the-scenes insights into Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier and Karlsplatz, a festive ceremony from 7 pm with contributions dealing with the history of the institution and performances, and a musical evening program.

Admission is free.

We kindly ask you to register for the talk at