Salvatore Viviano Mozzarella in Carrozza

25/4 2015 7 pm

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Salvatore Viviano creates performances, photographs, installation and sculptural objects, runs the One Work Gallery and is always on the go. A master at staging, he’ll conceive a fitting intervention for every theme. Taking Destination Wien 2015 exhibition’s concept as a starting point, Viviano reflects on the city in which he has lived since 2008 and its characteristics. The public will be amazed.

Cellist: Barbara Riccabona

Admission EUR 2
Free with entrance ticket or annual ticket

The performance program of Destination Vienna 2015 will outline the vitality that this art form is currently experiencing in Vienna. Different artists and artist groups represent the bandwidth of the medium from critical to parodic and subversive approaches.

Salvatore Viviano, Mozarella in Carozza, 2015, Courtesy the artist