Solidarity and Labour Unrest in Times of War

Discussion / Event
29/11 2022 7 pm

Panel discussion with Volodymyr Artiukh Ewa Majewska Olga Shparaga

moderated by Aleksei Borisionok & Olia Sosnovskaya (Problem Collective)

The admission is free.

We kindly ask you to register in time at or directly at the cash desk in Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier. The number of participants is limited.

The discussion will be held in English.

In their work Information Boards (2020–2022), presented as part of the In the meantime, midday comes around exhibition, Problem Collective, a research and art collective from Minsk, Belarus, juxtaposes historical and contemporary strikes in Belarus. The strikes emerged as one of the most powerful tools of antigovernment resistance after the rigged 2020 presidential elections.

Deriving from the themes developed in this work and the urgency of Russia’s ongoing invasion in Ukraine—which is supported by the Belarusian government—this event invites discussion on strikes and various forms of labor unrest in the context of fem­inist movements, social uprisings, and war.

