Technofeminist Technology Transfer

7/6 2019 1 pm — 5 pm

From one’s own (gendered) experience to action
Workshop with Cornelia Sollfrank

The starting point for this workshop is the assumption that we have accumulated an extensive experience-based and implicit knowledge through our daily handling of technology. The workshop draws on consciousness raising as a tried and tested technique of feminist knowledge production. CR has contributed to analysis, action and theory of the feminist movement in many ways and will be taken up in this context to explore the oppressive as well as liberating aspects of technology. The aim of the workshop – in which everyone is an expert – is to reveal the relationship between personal experience and the larger political and economic structures. How do gender aspects come into the approach to technology? How can feminist values be put into practice in an over-determining technological scenario? How can personal struggles become political struggles in the context of an emancipatory use of technology?

Open to all genders!

Bring your own device!

Cornelia Sollfrank (PhD) is an artist, researcher and university lecturer, living in Berlin (Germany). Recurring subjects in her artistic and academic work in and about digital cultures are artistic infrastructures, new forms of (political) self-organization, authorship and intellectual property, techno-feminist practice and theory. She was co-founder of the collectives women-and-technology, – Innen and Old Boys Network, and currently is research associate at the University of the Arts in Zürich for the project Creating Commons. Her recent book Die schönen Kriegerinnen. Technofeministische Praxis im 21. Jahrhundert was published in August 2018 with transversal texts, Vienna. For more information visit:

Part of the Community College program The Black Box Issues.

Registration required:

Admission EUR 2
Free with entrance ticket or annual ticket