As part of KISS, Thomas Geiger realizes a new edition of his Festival of Minimal Actions. In what could be considered a reawakening of performative works, Geiger creates situations that deal with the possibilities and impossibilities of physical interaction, affection, intimacy, and romance in public space during periods of pandemic. The festival – the main premise of which is a belief in the independence of performative works from their authors – brings together a concise selection of works by other artists that Geiger reperforms at Reumannplatz located in Vienna’s 10th district. Through the Festival of Minimal Actions, Geiger allows Viennese audiences to see performances from multiple geographies, from various points in history, and by a variety of authors, which they can take part in without the need to travel, cross borders, or get tested for a virus.
15/7, 3 – 4 pm
Jiří Kovanda Kissing through glass
I invite people to kiss me through a pane of glass.
16/7, from 9 am
Adrien Missika Cura
I clean dirty plants in public space, preferably some hard to access plants that don’t even get rain water, like under urban freeways. I take a water bucket, a cloth, and a water sprinkler with me. I clean the plants with care, leaf by leaf. I adjust my gestures to fit each plant’s features. I clean the plants as long as I possibly can, as many as possibly in one day. When I’m exhausted, I go home.
17/7, 2 pm
Ewa Partum Kino Tautologiczne
I stick a plaster crosswise over my mouth.
18/7, 4 – 5 pm
Cesare Pietroiusti Money Watching
I offer people to watch a banknote for a specific time without interruption. Afterwards, the money will become theirs.
19/7, 3 pm
Charlotte Seidel Eure Charlotte
I kiss a statue.
20/7, 7:30 – 8:30 am
Igor Grubić Bicycle and Flag (366 Liberation Rituals)
I make a red flag out of the Austrian flag and drive around the city on a bicycle as a “phantom of freedom”.
21/7, 10 am
Donna Kukama Not Yet (And Nobody Knows Why Not)
I put on lipstick until my entire face is red.
Vitya Glushchenko People picking up 1€
I place 1 Euro coins on the ground and watch people picking it up.
I pretend to wait for a date with a bouquet of flowers.
Dora García The Black Veil
I cover my face completely with a black veil, for as long as possible, in public. The veil has to be short, just enough to cover the face completely.
25/7, 6 pm
Annie Abrahams The Big Kiss
I engage with another person in the act of “kissing” via internet.
26/7, 10 am
I make a simple waving gesture from an indoor space to the outside world.
27/7, 4 – 5 pm
Satoshi Hashimoto Please Exchange Your Shoes With Me
I offer people to exchange shoes with me.
28/7, 12 noon
Sergio Rojas Chaves Hands That Feed
I carve copies of my hand out of loaves of bread and place them in public squares. I want to hand-feed the city birds without scaring them.
29/7, 12 noon
Alina Lupu Minimum Wage Dress Code
I order take-out via a food app. I ask the courier how much s/he gets paid per hour. I pay her/him this amount. I ask her/him to take a break and to share the food with me.
30/7, 9 am
David Sherry Just Popped Out, Back In Two Hours
I am leaving my body for two hours.
31/7, 9 – 10 am
Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová Memory without History (Memorial to Lida Clementisova)
I take a climbing flower and plant it next to a male monument in public. As the plant will overgrow the sculpture, it will become a memorial to a woman who lived in someone’s shadow.
1/8, 8 pm
Javier González Pesce Musicalización
I walk carrying a stereo that plays the soundtrack of a romantic movie, while I am looking for a couple in love. When coming across the couple, I approach them and create a romantic scene for them, as it would happen in the movies.
2/8, 4 pm
Breda Beban ARTE VIVO (after Alberto Greco)
I label a kissing couple as art and the most perfect ready-made.