CANCELLED: Transporter of Dreams

Kids' program
28/3 2020 11 am — 1 pm

In order not to endanger the safety of our visitors in view of the current situation in connection with Covid-19, Kunsthalle Wien will be closed until further notice. This applies to the exhibition as well as all events and guided tours.

What are your dreams and desires? Many people desire a car, while others would be happy with new shoes. We try to build dream transporters – dream gliders, which release our wishes and carry our dreams out into the world. Come by, we are already curious about how your transporters of dreams will look like! How would you build them? What wishes do you have that you’d like to send out into the world?

Children’s workshop in cooperation with WienXtra
For children from 6 years on

Children: € 2 / with Kinderaktivcard free of charge
Adults: € 4 / with Kinderaktivcard € 2

