Unangenehme Gefühle 2 (Unpleasant Feelings 2)

18/1 2019 7 pm

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A “Lie”-Conversation Piece organised by Sonja Cvitkovic and Megan Francis Sullivan

Within Annette Kelm’s exhibition Tomato Target at the Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier, the continuation of the two-day symposium Unangenehme Gefühle 1, which took place in Berlin, will be hold on January 18, 2019. In the form of a performative discussion round, Unangenehme Gefühle2 deals with the subject of lying.

The symposium addresses the determinability of truth and lie, examining the influence of an individual experience. Our brain makes no difference between experienced and constructed experiences and often our feelings regulate the conveyance of information. Today, since the wrong has been updated in a new reality of alternative facts, the challenge is precisely to make the multidimensionality of truth understandable.

Participants: Sonja Cvitkovic, Catalon, Megan Francis Sullivan, Marine Drouan (audio accompaniment), Verena Dengler, and Anke Dyes

Admission EUR 2
Free with entrance ticket or annual ticket