Workshop with Irene Posch: “Handcrafting the Digital”

28/9 2019 — 29/9 2019 

The interrelations between textile crafts, technology and gender are dealt with from material and tool perspectives in Handcrafting the Digital whereby stereotypical attributions will be deconstructed collectively. First, Irene Posch will give an overview of the historical interfaces and intersections between craftwork techniques (often connoted with femininity) and the fields of computing and electronics (often connoted with masculinity) by using concrete examples. The practical part of the workshop will explore and show how concrete examples can become active at the interface of textiles, electronics and computer technology.

Irene Posch is a professor at the University of Art and Design in Linz. Her scientific and artistic work addresses the mutual integration of new technologies, arts and crafts and their cultural, technical and aesthetic

Age: from 16 onwards
Sat 28/9 & Sun 29/9, 4 – 7 pm (Workshop is two days, dates can not be booked individually)
Admission free
10 persons max
Registration required via

