Workshop with Stefanie Wuschitz: Anti-racist Robot Workshop

4/10 2019 — 5/10 2019 

Just think of Audre Lorde, Reni Eddo-lodge, or Joy Buolamwini, who have made us aware of structural discrimination and the historical causes of racism in order to recognize our own prejudices. When we teach machines to think, they copy and mirror our mindsets. In this process of replication, not only knowledge is passed on and extended, but also our prejudices and misconceptions. Let’s build anti-racist robots! Building robots provides us with the opportunity to playfully deal with and discuss our own biases, blind spots, and stereotypes. Let’s make feminist technology that acts less racist than ourselves. Bring your laptop, Arduino, sensors, speakers or electronics garbage and enjoy a feminist mini hackathon with us.

Stefanie Wuschitzworks at the intersection of art, research and technology, with a particular focus on feminism, open source technology and peer production. She is a co-founder of Mz* Baltazar’s Lab – Feminist creative space for hackers and others.

Fri 4/10 & Sat 5/10, 4 – 7 pm
(Workshop is two days, dates cannot be booked individually)

Age: from 16 onwards
Admission free
10 persons max
Registration required via

