Petar Petrov. Made to Measure

3/11 2011 — 3/12 2011

Petar Petrov is a typical exponent of genre blurring, of obscuring the boundaries between expedient appliance in production and functionless art. He developed Made to Measure, his most recent project, together with the designer Tino Valentinitsch and the musician Soap&Skin. For the Kunsthalle Wien?s project space, Petrov conceived a virtual space in space whose boundaries are only marked by light walls. Petrov?s play with the boundaries of space calls to mind Gottfried Semper?s ?theory of dressing.? Architecture, when seen as a garment, has a protective function and swathes the space of human culture. Semper saw the origins of architecture in textiles, in hand-made weavings and braidings, and in the lightweight architecture of nomads. The virtual walls of Petrov?s space seem to be a metaphor for this concept.

Born in Bulgaria in 1977, the fashion designer Petar Petrov studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna with Viktor&Rolf, Raf Simons, a.o.

Anja Plaschg alias Soap&Skin, born in 1990, presented her first, much-acclaimed album Lovetune for Vacuum in 2009.

Tino Valentinitsch, born in Vienna in 1972, studied Industrial Design in Essen, Germany. He works for internationally renowned branding agencies and fashion houses as well as for long-established Viennese firms.