video of the month # 17: “FROM BEIRUT WITH LOVE”

1/9 2006 — 15/10 2006
Museumsquartier / Videolounge

A co-operative undertaking of the Ursula Blickle Foundation, the Kunsthalle Wien and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.


The ursula blickle videolounge makes videos on contemporary art and artists constantly available to students, art historians and the interested public. It is a site of communication and a living archive, at the same time affording the opportunity of research and insight into the medium of video.
The pilot project ‘video of the month’ presents a monthly changing video program of monographic works and thematically conceived video compilations – for example, by Isaac Julien, Lida Abdul..


As an extension of the offering, the information program ‘…about’ shows videos on general subjects of contemporary art, interviews with artists and historical surveys.


The ursula blickle videoarchive, which opens February 2007, will collect all works shown in the ursula blickle videolounge, videos by students of the University of Applied Arts and the Ursula Blickle Foundation as well as video art chosen by an external jury.