Hello Out There!

Kids workshop

The work of artist Marina Naprushkina gave us inspiration for our new workshop Hello Out There!

Marina lives in Berlin, where she founded the initiative New Neighborhood // Moabit (Neue Nachbarschaft // Moabit). Under the slogan “We don’t help, we learn from each other,” Marina has already realized numerous projects together with refugees, migrants, and neighbors.

In our exhibition … of bread, wine, cars, security and peace you can see various posters designed by Marina and the New Neighborhood // Moabit community. Together they compiled messages that were important to them and captured their dreams and ideas on posters. Then they took these posters to a demonstration in Berlin and sent their messages out into the world.

We liked the idea that art can help to create community spirit so much that we want to share it with you. Which uplifting thoughts would you like to send to your neighbors and people on the street? Which words could make the people in your neighborhood happy?

Make a poster and stick it on a window in your home – that’s how you can send positive, encouraging messages out into the world!

For our Hello Out There! workshop you will need:

• white or colored paper
• paint, ideally acrylic or poster paint
• masking or adhesive tape
• various paint brushes
• colorful gift wrap ribbons or cut strips of colored paper
• scissors

Check our videos to see how you can paint your own poster. We explain two different techniques step-by-step.

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The Masking Tape Technique

• Take a piece of A3-sized paper or tape two pieces of A4-sized paper together on the long side into a bigger poster.

• Use masking tape to fix your poster to a work surface, like a table.

• Dream up a short, encouraging or funny message that you would like to send out into the world.

• Rip or use your scissors to cut off short strips of masking tape and form letters by sticking them onto your poster.

• When your message is finished, paint over it with a color that’s different than the background. Leave enough space at the edge of the paper so it looks like a speech bubble.

• When the paint is dry, carefully remove the tape from the poster. (If you tear a bit too much away from your letter or when the paint ran under the tape, you can easily fix it up with a thin brush afterwards.)

• Add other decorations to your poster. For example, you can tape gift wrap ribbons or strips of colored paper to the bottom.

• When you are finished, tape the poster on your window with the message facing outside.

The Painting Technique

• Take a piece of A3-sized paper or tape two pieces of A4-sized paper together on the long side into a bigger poster.

• Use masking tape to fix your poster to a work surface, like a table.

• Take a thick brush and prime the paper with paint.

• Wait until the paint is completely dry – sometimes this can take a bit longer depending on how much paint you used. You can also use a hair dryer to speed things up.

• Now take a second color and paint a big spot on the poster, which will become your speech bubble.

• While the paint is drying, dream up a short, encouraging or funny message that you would like to send out into the world.

• Paint your message onto the bubble with a thin paint brush.

• Add other decorations to your poster. For example, you can tape gift wrap ribbons or strips of colored paper to the bottom.

• When you are finished and the paint is totally dry, tape the poster on your window with the message facing outside.

We are really curious about the messages you send out into the world. Please share your poster by mailing it to vermittlung@kunsthallewien.at

… or post it on Instagram #spaceforkids #hallodadraussen #kunsthallewien #ofbread
… or post it in our Facebook group /KunsthalleWienKinderworkshops