A digital art education project by Tina Kelam and Thomas Wenzl, students of the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
#KHWpositivity is a project that is open to EVERYONE: with your help, we want to create a platform on Instagram for sending motivating messages, funny notes, or uplifting letters to family members, friends, relatives, or dear ones whom you cannot see/meet/visit at the moment. The posted contributions will be automatically ordered in a row and form a positive “wave” of words.
And this is how it works:
• Write a message to a person you cannot see or visit at the moment.
• Take a square piece of paper. Fold it in the middle. Now you have a guideline, which will connect to the other Instagram messages on the left and right.
• Start your message on the left at the beginning of the guideline – it can be a line that you turn into a drawing or also the first word in a sentence. Your message can stretch all over the complete square but should end on the right side at the other end of the guideline.
• Take a photo of your message and upload the image to Instagram with the hashtag #KHWpositivity.
• When the images are arranged one after the other, it creates a wave of positivity and cheerful messages.
The project #KHWpositivity by Tina Kelam and Thomas Wenzl was developed in the framework of the art and cultural education course Die Ausstellung als Lernort, a cooperation between Akademie geht in die Schule, the Institute for Education in the Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and Kunsthalle Wien.
#KHWpositivity #ofbread #kunsthallewien #ClosedButActive #AtMuseumsAnywhere #digitalmuseum #workshop #AkademieGehtInDieSchule