Sharing and Responding

Symposium / Text
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Concept: Ana de Almeida, Anke Dyes, Nina Kerschbaumer, and Inka Meißner

With contributions from: Mz* Baltazar‘s Laboratory, Rachal Bradley, Carolin Brendel, Coleman Collins, Ana de Almeida, Diedrich Diederichsen, Anke Dyes, Oier Etxeberria, Julia Grillmayr, Johan Hartle, Anna Lena von Helldorff, Peter Hermans, Ute Kalender and Aljoscha Weskott, Nina Kerschbaumer, Leigh Claire La Berge, Yulia Lokshina and Samuel Fischer-Glaser, Doreen Mende, Sighard Neckel, Axel Stockburger, Lia Sudermann, Jakub Vrba, and Christian Wimplinger

The event took place partly in English (April 23) and partly in German (April 24).

The event series Sharing and Responding is a cooperation between the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Kunsthalle Wien.

Even if hardly ever described in such terms anymore, cybernetic feedback systems and their logic are ubiquitous today. The idea that, alongside flight paths and temperatures, social interactions and all kinds of decision-making processes can be regulated by now stands beyond question. With a program structured by the horizontal interconnectedness of various keywords, the symposium Sharing and Responding is dedicated to this condition, while simultaneously reflecting the inevitability of cybernetic reciprocity and interference.

Central to the four thematic blocks under discussion is the question of how regulatory structures are appropriated today—not least by those who are not enriching themselves through them. The program begins with the idea of anticipatory control that is at the heart of cybernetics (future/fiction/scenario), moving on to an exploration of the relationship of complex systems to individualized feedback (guilt/debt/responsibility) and ideas of self-management and labor (behavior planning/self-optimization/employment) before concluding with a look into the kinds of outcomes that can be generated from self-regulating networks (autofiction/desire/conspiracy theories).

The Sharing and Responding symposium is the second instalment of a series of events of the same title, and follows an online workshop in June 2020 with Amy Lien, Enzo Camacho, and the Zurich-based group The Field. The series examines cybernetic structures in language and art, planning, and surveillance. It thus picks up on the thematic framework of a two-semester seminar series that is part of the Master in Critical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, as well as on the exhibition Cybernetics of the Poor, curated by Diedrich Diederichsen and Oier Etxeberria.


Fr, 23/4

12 pm–3 pm


Panel 1:
> Future/Fiction/Scenario
>> Play/Role/Speculation/Alternative
>>> LARP/Queer-feminism/Extractivism/Hardware/DYI

With: Mz* Balthazar’s Laboratory, Oier Etxeberria, Julia Grillmayr, and Doreen Mende
Chair: Ana de Almeida

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Fr, 23/4

5–8 pm

Panel 2:
> Guilt/Debt/Responsibility
>> Financial instruments/Complexity science/Risk
>>> Body/Climate/Education/Model/Virtue Signaling

With: Rachal Bradley, Carolin Melia Brendel, Coleman Collins und Leigh Claire La Berge
Chair: Inka Meißner

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Sat, 24/4

10 am–1 pm


Panel 3:
> Behavior planning/Optimization/Work
>> Open Plan Office/Realism/Poverty/Digitalization
>>> Glitches/Hippies/TED Talks/Charisma

With: Johan Hartle, Ute Kalender and Aljoscha Weskott, Lia Sudermann, and Christian Wimplinger
Chair: Nina Kerschbaumer

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Sat, 24/4

3–6 pm

Panel 4:
> Autofiction/Desire/Conspiracy theories
>> Pattern/Performativity/Surveilance/Shame
>>> QAnon/Gaming/Ecology/Cyborg/Anthropos

With: Diedrich Diederichsen, Peter Hermans, Yulia Lokshina and Samuel Fischer-Glaser, Sighard Neckel, and Axel Stockburger
Chair: Anke Dyes

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